Smarter Ways to Learn PowerApps, MS Flows, and other Related Concepts


Hi guys, this blog is guidance for most developers and learners who want to use modern concepts like PowerApps and MSFlow, along with Enterprise level requirements and other related concepts. Start going through the below points to improve your concepts and keep them as your daily learning practices. 
  1. Login to the PowerApps community here and use the free trial period for practice.

  1. PowerApps supporting stuff available here.

  1. PowerApps total guidance over here.

  1. Lots of learning stuff available in the same Community link here.

  1. Go through the best YouTube Channels to cover all of your concepts. Here are the best ones for tech learning:

    YouTube Best Channels for Learning PowerApps


    • Shane Young[Simple and purely PowerApps stuff]

    • Laura Rogers[Power Hours complete series]

    •[PowerApps+MSFlows+SPOnline+Other related concepts]

    • Pragmatic Works[Amazing & Application oriented]

    • Dave's Tech Tips[Advance]

    • Chino Does Stuff[Application oriented concepts]

    • Flexmind[Simple but not much videos]

  2. Lots of Sites on PowerApps to follow daily, especially: [Check for Topic wise Events]

  1. Important concepts to know for building Advance Realtime PowerApps:

    Form CustomizationsGalleries, Nested GalleriesImportant PowerApps functions like O365 Functions, TimerFunctions,Data Validation with IsMAtch FunctionsDataCard Values formulas, Different Controls and their formulas for the App developmentGroups & Components reusabilityCustom FilteringCascadingdropdownSharePoint Integration concept,Collection, ClearCollectionPatchingRepeating Tables, Tabbed Forms, Buttons with New, Submit, Edit, Save, Save Later & Finish, Close concepts, etc.

  1. Good Ebooks List for online ordering or downloading:

    Beginning PowerApps_ The Non-Developers Guide to Building Business Mobile Applications

    Total Ebooks Bundle to order.

  1. Never forget to refer here for a quick glance to check syntaxes, theory bits and other conceptual points.

  1. Try to do some POCs on your own by following some how-to-do video sessions, Blogs, Articles, popular applications, integrating with other concepts like BI, MSFlow, SharePoint Designer, InfoPath, O365, Modern Sites, Modern Pages, Modern Environment and other related platforms[SPFx] in order to come out with more amazing and interesting stuff.

  1. Please be a part of active PowerApp Forums, Communities online to get to know new ideas and applications for your real time solutions of your respective Client Projects.

  1. Go through related Smart Slides, PPTs and other Important related Knowledge assets like Whitepapers, Best Practices, Step by Step Guides, how-to-dos, Process Documents etc.

  1. Developing business applications with PowerApps and Microsoft Flow here.

  1. Also there is a good guided learning content for both PowerApps & Microsoft Flow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Have a great day and Happy Learning! :)
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