MS Flow - Send Attachment In Outlook Email

Here, I will show you how to configure a flow which will read a file from the document library and will add those files as an attachment to the email.
  1. Login to MS FLow using Office365 credentials.
  2. Create from blank > When a file is created or modified.
  3. Add "Get file Metadata" and provide the Identifier against File Identifier. 

    Send Attachment In Outlook Email

  4. Add "Get File Content" and provide the Identifier against File Identifier.

    Send Attachment In Outlook Email

  5. Add a condition to check if "Get File Content" is not empty.

    Type the text as "@not(empty(body('Get_file_content')))" inside condition.

    Send Attachment In Outlook Email

  6. If Yes, send the email.

    Send Attachment In Outlook Email
The email contains the attachment as below.

Send Attachment In Outlook Email

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