IntroductionI'll start by defining reference data; reference data is the data an application needs to run, excluding any data it collects from the user. For example a stock trading application would have the current stock prices as its reference data, it doesn't collect this from the user - I'd be a millionaire if I could enter the price at which I want to trade my shares - but it is data that is required for the application to function.Reference data in its own right isn't a problem, however when you want to share the same data with multiple applications it can become a problem to maintain this data. Especially when you start to look into architectures like SOA or other high cohesion / low coupling paradigms where every service or application is a completely self contained unit that isn't dependent on any other systems to run.The purpose of this article is to collect a number of different approaches to centrally manage this reference data and highlight their benefits / drawbacks. Not one approach is by definition better than others and this article is not aimed to make a recommendation as to which approach should be implemented, rather the purpose of this article is to highlight the merits and drawbacks of each approach so that a suitable approach can be chosen for the requirements at hand. Feedback is greatly appreciated, be it additional patterns or changes to existing patterns. Problem statement Often applications are built in isolation to ensure high cohesion and low coupling between applications. The drawback to this approach is that little is shared between applications, including reference data which is often common between multiple applications. You could think of data such as marital statuses, post code (zip code for US readers) lookup data or current stock prices to name but a few. A typical scenario is shown in the image below. The arrows indicate data flow of reference data (all other data is ignored for this article to keep the images clean).Two applications live inside their own domain and both have their own datastore. These datastores contains data that could be shared between the two applications. The drawbacks of this approach include: