Developer dashboard is one of the coolest feature in SharePoint 2010 and loved by the developer community. Developer dashboard can help in diagnosing various issues in a custom code. Counters in developer dashboard Per-Thread counters Gives the following information of current thread with actual values
Pre-Process counters
Client Counters
System Counter
How to use Monitor in Code? Monitoring code is easy very easy with help of developer dashboard. First thing identify the portion of the code need real monitoring and wrap that code SPMonitorScope. using (new SPMonitoredScope("TestScope")) { //Code which needs to be monitored goes here } Another approach implement ISPScopedPerformanceMonitor Interface in your custom class and use it. Enabling Developer Dashboard By default Developer Dash Board is disabled so you need to enable it. STSADM Command Power shell Command C# Code Developer Dash Board in a custom Page <Sharepoint:DeveloperDashboardLauncher ID="DeveloperDashboardLauncher" NavigateUrl="javascript:ToggleDeveloperDashboard()" runat="server" ImageUrl="/_layouts/images/fgimg.png" Text="<%$Resources:wss,multipages_launchdevdashalt_text%>" OffsetX=0 OffsetY=78 Height=16 Width=16 /> <div id="DeveloperDashboard" class="ms-developerdashboard" /> <SharePoint:DeveloperDashboard runat="server" /> Read following articles about the this feature. Using the Developer Dashboard Using SPMonitoredScope