Try the code below to Append one paragraph and wrap the existing div inside another div using jQuery:Add the following code to the head section:<head><title>jQuery wrapper</title><script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery-1.4.4.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var dvWrap = $("#dvWrap"); var wrapper = dvWrap.wrap("<div></div>"); wrapper.css("border", "10px solid red"); wrapper.css("padding", "5px"); var inner = $("<p>This paragraph added with jQuery</p>"); inner.css("color", "blue");{alert("hello");}); wrapper.append(inner);});</script></head>
Add the following code to the body section:<body><div id="dvWrap"> <h1>This is wrapped with a red box drawn by jQuery</h1></div></body>You can download the working sample attached here.ThanksShinu