This article has been
excerpted from book "The Complete Visual C# Programmer's Guide" from the Authors
of C# Corner.
C# strings stem from the String class of the System namespace: System.String. A
similar class, the StringBuilder class, can be found in the System.Text
namespace. We'll talk more about the StringBuilder class later in this article.
The String class is used to work with strings in the .NET Framework. String
objects are immutable: Once they are created, their values cannot be changed.
However, you can reassign the string reference to another string, freeing up the
first string for garbage collection if no other reference to it exists.
String class methods that appear to manipulate a string do not change the
current string but instead create a new string and return it. This process of
repeatedly creating and throwing away strings can be slow. However, with
immutable objects, ownership, aliasing, and threading issues are all much
Strings consist of characters in the ascii set. These characters include simple
alphanumeric such as 'a' or '_'. These characters also include special
characters that include <return> or <tab> characters. Return, tab and other
special characters are represented in a string using escape sequences. Table
20.1 shows the escape sequences some of the common special characters.
Table 20.1: Escape Sequences
Verbatim string literals begin with @" and end with the matching quotation mark.
They do not require escape sequences. The only exception to the
no-escape-sequence rule for verbatim string literals is that you can put a
double quotation mark inside a verbatim string by doubling it:
@"A ""quote"" from Conan the Cimmerian"
Verbatim string literals can also extend over a line break. If they do, they
include any white space between the quotes:
@"First \t
line tabbed second line"
Like all classes, the String class is a reference type with built-in .NET
Framework support methods and operators to simplify development. Such support
includes string indexing to read (but not write) individual characters (as in
s[i]), string concatenating with the + operator (as in s + t), and equality and
inequality operators (as in s == t and s != t). Listing 20.19 demonstrates their
Listing 20.19: String Assignments Comparisons
string strValue1 =
@"verbatim C# text";
string strValue2 =
@"verbatim C# text " +
@" concatenated…";
string strValue3 =
"regular C# text \r\n";
// beware escape sequences \r\n
char chrFirst = strValue1[3];
// stores 't'
if (strValue1 == strValue2) {
} // value equality comparison
if (strValue1 != strValue2) {
} // value inequality comparison
if ((object)strValue1
== (object)strValue2) { }
//reference equality comparison
if ((object)strValue1
!= (object)strValue2) { }
//reference inequality comparison
You can also concatenate any object with a string. This concatenates the return
value from the object's ToString method with the string. For instance, all of
the following are valid:
String str1 = "
everyone using C# is hefty ";
String str2 = 4 + str1;
// "4 everyone using C# is hefty"
String str3 = str2 +
19.19; // "4 everyone using C# is hefty 19.19"
In addition, because strings are immutable, the compiler and runtime will merge
duplicate string literals so that there's only one copy.
The two most common methods of initializing a string are to assign the string
with a string literal or to assign a string with the value from another string:
String str1 =
"Hello, World!";
String str2 = str1;
As Listing 20.20 shows, you can use the static method Copy if you want a second
copy of the string.
Listing 20.20: String Assignments Comparisons
String str1 =
"Hello, World again…";
//no copy; str1 and str2 refer to same
String str2 = (String)str1.Clone();
// makes copy; str1 and str3 refer to
different objects
String str3 =
same as str2: {0}, str1 same as str3: {1}",
(Object)str1 == (Object)str2,
(Object)str1 == (Object)str3);
You can also create an array of strings, as Listing 20.21 shows.
Listing 20.21: String Arrays
String[] a =
new String[3];
a[0] = "1";
a[1] = "2";
a[2] = "3";
String[,] aa =
new String[3,
aa[0,0] = "1";
aa[1,0] = "2";
aa[2,0] = "3";
Listing 20.22 shows additional ways to assign values to strings.
Listing 20.22: String Creation Styles
using System;
public String
//Create the string through character Array
public myString(char[]
str = new
string '" + str + "' has been initialized by
passing an array of characters");
//Create the string through a single character
which is repeated a number of times
public myString(char
strValue, int intCount)
str = new
String(strValue, intCount);
string '" + str + "' has been initialized by
a character '" + strValue + "' which is
repeated '" + intCount + "' times");
//Create the string through character array
specifying the starting and ending places
public myString(char[]
strValue, int intStart,
int intEnd)
str = new
String(strValue, intStart, intEnd);
string " + str + " has been initialized by
array of characters starting from '" + intStart +
"' and ending at '" + intEnd +"'");
static void
Main(string[] args)
Hope this article would have helped you in understanding the String
Initialization and System.String Class. See other articles on the website on .NET and C#.
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The Complete Visual
C# Programmer's Guide covers most of the major components that make
up C# and the .net environment. The book is geared toward the
intermediate programmer, but contains enough material to satisfy the
advanced developer. |