State Management is defined as the management of the state of one or more user interface controls such as textboxes, buttons, etc in a Graphical User Interface. In UI programming technique, the state of UI control depends on the state of other UI controls. For example, a state managed UI control such as a command button will be in its enabled state when input fields or the text fields have valid values and the button will be in the disabled state if the input fields are empty or have invalid values.In ASP.NET applications, hosted in a web server are accessed over the stateless HTTP protocol. As such, if the application uses state full inapplication statteraction, it has to implement state management on its own. ASP.NET provides various functionality for state management in ASP.NET applications. Some of them are 1. Application stateA collection of user-defined variables which are shared by an ASP.NET application are termed as Application state. When the Application_OnStart event fires at the time of loading of the first instance of the applications these variables are set and initialized and are available till the last instance of the application exits. To access the Application state variables the Applications collection is used, which provides a wrapper for the application state variables.2. Session stateA collection of user-defined session variables are termed as Session state, which are persevered during a user session. These variables are accessed using a Session Collection. These variables have a unique instance to different instances of a user session for the application. Session variables can be set to automatically destroyed after a definite period of inactive time, irrespective of the session state whether session ends or not. At the client side, a user session is identified either by a cookie or by encoding the session ID in the URL.ASP.NET supports three modes of persistence for session variables: