This article has been
excerpted from book "Graphics Programming with GDI+".
In this article we will discuss advanced two-dimensional GDI+ programming. The
.NET Framework library defines this functionality in a separate namespace:
System.Drawing.Drawing2D. Among the advanced 2D techniques we will discuss are
blending, matrices, graphics paths, and gradient brushes.
Note: Before using any class discussed in this article, an application
should reference the System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace by adding the following
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
Apart from blending, gradient brushes, graphics containers, graphics path, and
matrix-related classes, the System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace provides many
Table 9.1 lists the classes provided by System.Drawing.Drawing2D.
TABLE 9.1: System.Drawing.Drawing2D classes
Class |
Description |
AdjustableArrowCap |
An adjustable,
arrow-shaped line cap. |
Blend |
A blend pattern
used by linear gradient brushes. |
ColorBlend |
An array of colors
and positions in a multicolor gradient. |
CustomLinedCap |
A custom
user-defined line cap. |
GraphicsContainer |
The internal data
of a graphics container. The BeginContainer and EndContainer methods are
used to save the state of a Graphics object. |
GraphicsPath |
A graphics path,
which contains a series of connected lines and curves. |
GraphicsPathIterator |
A graphics path
can have many subpaths. This class provides a way to iterate through
them. |
GraphicsState |
Graphics object
state, which is returned by the BeginContainer method. |
HatchBrush |
A hatch brush.
LinearGradientBrush |
Linear gradient
brush. |
Matrix |
A 3X3 affine
matrix that represents a geometric transformation. |
PathData |
Contains the
graphical data of a graphics path. |
PathGradientBrush |
A brush that fills
a graphics path with a gradient. |
RegionData |
Data of a region. |
Line Caps and Line Styles
In previous articles we saw how to draw lines and curves using DrawLine,
DrawCurve, and related methods of the Graphics class. In these cases we drew
only solid lines and curves. Lines and curves can also have styles. For example,
you can draw a dotted line with circular caps.
FIGURE 9.1: Lines with different starting cap, ending cap, and dash styles
A line has three parts: the line body, starting cap, and ending cap. The line
starts with a starting cap and ends with an ending cap. The part that connects
these two caps is the line body. The caps and body of a line can have different
styles. Figures 9.1 shows two lines with different starting and ending cap and
body styles.
The ends of a line can have different caps. Table 9.2 shows some of the
available line cap styles.
A line body can have its won style, called the dash style. Figure 9.2 shows four
different dash styles.
Each line dash style can also have its own cap style, which is called a line
dash cap. Figure 9.3 shows three different line dash caps.
TABLE 9.2: Line cap styles
FIGURE 9.2: Line dash style
FIGURE 9.3: Line dash caps
Line Caps and Styles specified by the Pen Class
The Pen object specifies the line caps and line styles being used to draw lines.
To create a line with caps and styles, we create a Pen object, set its line cap
and line style properties (or methods) and use the Pen object to draw the lines.
Table 9.3 lists the members of the Pen class that can be used to set line caps
and line styles.
Adding Line Caps and Styles
There is no direct way to apply line caps and styles to a line. We must go
through the Pen object. As we covered in previous articles, to draw a line we
must have a Pen object specifying the color and width of the pen used when we
call the DrawLine method of the Graphics class. The Pen object also provides
members for attaching line caps and line styles to a pen. After we attach line
caps and styles to a pen, we use this pen to draw lines.
In Listing 9.1 we create a Pen object with a specified color and width. Then we
set the line caps using the StratCap and EndCap properties of the Pen class,
followed by the DashStyle and DashOffset properties. After that we call DrawLine
and dispose of the objects.
TABLE 9.3: Pen Class members for setting line caps and styles
Member |
Description |
StartCap |
Property that gets
or sets the cap style used at the beginning of the line. Takes a LineCap
enumeration member. |
EndCap |
Property that gets
or sets the cap style used at the end of the line. Takes a LineCap
enumeration member. |
CustomStartCap |
Property that gets
or sets a custom cap to use at the beginning of the line. Takes a
CustomLineCap object. |
CustomEndCap |
Property that gets
or sets a custom cap to use at the ending of the line. Takes a
CustomLineCap object. |
DashCap |
Property that gets
or sets the cap style used at the end of the dashes that make up a
dashed line. Takes a DashCap enumeration, which has only three members:
Flat, Round, and Triangle. |
DashOffset |
Property that gets
and sets the dash offset – that is the distance from the start of a line
to the beginning of a dash pattern. |
DashPattern |
Property that
specifies the length of each dash and space in a dash pattern. Takes an
array of floating values. The first element of this array sets the
length of a dash, the second elements sets the length of a space, the
third element sets the length of a dash, and so on. |
DashStyle |
Dash lines can
have their own styles. This property gets and sets dash line styles,
which are represented by the DashStyle enumeration. The DashStyle
enumeration has six members- Custom, Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, and
Solid-that represent lines consisting of a custom pattern, dashes, a
dash-dot repeating pattern, a dash-dot-dot repeating pattern, dots and a
solid line, respectively. |
SetLineCap |
Method that sets
the values of all three parts (the starting line cap, ending line cap,
and dash style) of a line. |
LISTING 9.1: Setting line caps and line
public partial
class Form1 :
public Form1()
private void
Form1_Paint(object sender,
PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
// Create a Pen
blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black,
// Set the line caps and line styles
blackPen.StartCap = LineCap.Triangle;
blackPen.EndCap = LineCap.Triangle;
blackPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
blackPen.DashOffset = 40;
g.DrawLine(blackPen, 20, 10, 200, 10);
// Dispose of objects
Output of above listing
Hope the article would have helped you in understanding Advanced 2 D Graphics in
GDI+. Read other articles on GDI+ on the website.
This book teaches
.NET developers how to work with GDI+ as they develop applications
that include graphics, or that interact with monitors or printers.
It begins by explaining the difference between GDI and GDI+, and
covering the basic concepts of graphics programming in Windows. |