In this article is code to merge columns & cells. I try to describe how to merge cells in Gridview in ASP.NET. In this article I use an OnRowDataBound event of GridView and use RowSpan of cells.In this article I connect with a SQL database & in the table is a college description. College name with branch wise .. both colleges have many branches so I merge college name like this:on Aspx page In the aspx page add a GridView Control then add a SqldataSource. Configure the database with a college table and a fill for the GridView. All data is shown in the GridView. Add an event to the GridView: OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound" In the aspx.cs page write the following code:protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { //We're only interested in Rows that contain data //get a reference to the data used to databound the row DataRowView drv = ((DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem); if (previousCat == drv["Collegename"].ToString()) { //If it's the same category as the previous one //Increment the rowspan if (GridView1.Rows[firstRow].Cells[0].RowSpan == 0)
GridView1.Rows[firstRow].Cells[0].RowSpan = 2; else GridView1.Rows[firstRow].Cells[0].RowSpan += 1; //Remove the cell e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(0); } else //It's a new category { //Set the vertical alignment to top e.Row.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; //Maintain the category in memory previousCat = drv["Collegename "].ToString(); firstRow = e.Row.RowIndex; } } }Then you run your page & see the merged data in the GridView.ConclusionIn this article I tried to solve the problem of merging columns in a GridView. Hopefully it's working for you too.