Prologue:In my previous article, we have seen how to create reference tables in LightSwitch Beta 2. Today we shall discuss how to save records to the database at the time of adding it.Let us create a demo LightSwitch application to demonstrate the situation said above. In this demo application we will simply be seeing another way to save records at the time of adding the records so it avoids clicking the save screen command.Preparing the Solution:Open VS 2010; create a LightSwitch Desktop application with the name "CreatingReferenceTablesInLSBeta2" as shown in the figure. Follow the No: # to create the LightSwitch desktop application.The Entity Designer: Let us create a table. This is a new screen of Beta 2 which is not available in Beta 1. Select the option shown with a rounded box in read around it to create a new table.After clicking on the "Create new table" option, the Entity Designer will displayed to create the Entity required.As per our demo application we need to create a table called "Student". Designing the Screen:Let us create a List and Details screen for the Student entity. There are two ways to create a screen. One of the options is by selecting the Screen... button on the Entity Designer screen. Another way is right-clicking on Screens section in Solution Explorer. In our demo application we have created using the first way. As shown in the above figure, select the List and Details screen template to create the screen for the student entity. The above figure shows the complete screen structure for our demo application before adding the saving functionality.As we are going to save the records at the time of adding, we need to disable the Save screen command. Here,