With the use of the following code you can give the user the ability to download files to any location on their computer.To download a file I am creating a function that checks a file's type and downloads the file from their location. After clicking on the download button a save dialog box is used for saving the downloaded file.This is the function:private void DownloadFile(string fname, bool forceDownload) { string Filepath = fname; string Filename = Path.GetFileName(Filepath); string ext = Path.GetExtension(Filepath); string type = ""; // set known types based on file extension if (ext != null) { switch (ext.ToLower()) { case ".htm": case ".html": type = "text/HTML"; break;
case ".txt": type = "text/plain"; break;
case ".doc": case ".docx": case ".rtf": type = "Application/msword"; break;
case ".wav":
case ".Mp3": type = "Application/media"; break; } } if (forceDownload) { Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Filename); } if (type != "") Response.ContentType = type; Response.WriteFile(Filepath); Response.End(); } if (forceDownload) { Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Filename); } if (type != "") Response.ContentType = Filetype; Response.WriteFile(Filepath); Response.End(); }To force a download you have to pass true there.Filepath is showing the path of the file from where we are downloading a file.