Nowadays Internet Applications seems to be upgrading to Rich Internet
Application. In this article, I am going to cover what makes the people to
switch over to Rich Internet Application. Before getting into the picture, first
we will see the general architecture of the simple web application.
Simple Web Application Architecture
A simple diagrammatic representation of web application architecture is shown in
the above picture. Normally web application will be divided into three layers
such as Presentation layer which is responsible for the User Interface section;
it will generate the HTML tags which are sent to the client browser to render
the application. Business layer will have the complete business logic; all the
business scenarios will be validated in this section. Data Access layer will
handle the database part, where the stored procedures will be called to fetch
the data from the database server.
In many applications presentation and the business layers will be tightly
coupled. Whenever the requirement changes, code impact will be in both the
layers unless the proper design patterns are applied. Which is the best way to
handle this situation? There comes the Riche Internet Application.
Rich Internet Application Architecture
A simple diagrammatic representation of Rich Internet Application architecture
is shown in the above picture. From the picture itself, it's clearly understood
the presentation logic is kept in the client side, so the presentation layer and
business layer are loosely coupled.
Rich Internet Application is offered by the Silverlight from Visual Studio which
provides richness to the application and will be like a desktop kind of
application. Here the presentation logic is handled by the Silverlight plug-in
in the client side (browser). Here I am not going in-depth of handling
presentation logic in the client side, just giving an overview about Rich
Internet Application.
Advantage of Rich Internet Application
- Users can easily update a part of the page
rather than submitting the entire page
- Data gets easily transferred from one form
to another form without keeping a user waiting
- More responsive than traditional web
- Interactive User Interface
- Reduce bandwidth costs from partial page
- Clear presentation and meet customer's
- Helps building business kind of
Hope this article gave an overview of Rich
Internet Application.