Introduction:Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is used for transmitting information across the internet and intranets. We can also subscribe to RSS Feeds from SharePoint libraries, lists, and other elements. We can use an RSS Viewer Web Part to display an RSS Feed on a SharePoint site. The RSS Viewer Web Part provides a convenient way to view information from many sources on a single page.In this article we will be seeing how to obtain the URL for the RSS feed from the SharePoint list and how to configure an RSS viewer Web Part for it.URL for the RSS feed:In this section we will be seeing how to obtain the URL for the RSS feed from the SharePoint list. I have a SharePoint list called "Contributor" which has the following items.I am going to get the URL for the RSS feed from the SharePoint list.Go to the List => List Tools =>List => click on RSS Feed (which will be available in the "Share & Track" tab in the ribbon interface).Right click on "Subscribe to this feed".Go to the properties and copy the "URL" of the RSS feed.Configure RSS viewer Web Part: