In this article I am showing how to make a very nice Dashboard using Fusion chart. First of all let me thank Fusion chart for the wonderful implementation of charts in Flash. It's really nice and cool. You can see an online demo of Fusion chart. Here I am showing a Funnel chart for the task list status.1. You can down load the free version of fusion chart from the following URL.2. 3. First you have to upload these Flash files to the image folder of your web application4. For that you have to open your web application in designer then find the folder named Images. Just copy and paste the Flash files to there.5. Now you can see the fusion chart added to your image folder. I have pasted FCF_Funnel.swf. There are other charts also free. You can choose any.6. You have to create a default task list also. I have a task list as shown below and have a column of choice named Status. It has the values: