In this article I am showing how to customize share point default form look and feel using XSLT. A default task list NewForm.aspx is as shown below. I will show you how to change the fields in two columns. 1. 2. First step is to open your site in share point designer then find out the list then the page NewForm.aspx. .Don't forget to check out the Newform.aspx page as shown below 3. Open the NewForrm.aspx,Just select the List web part as shown below 4. Delete the List web part by pressing your "Delete" key. The form now will look like below 5. Please make your selection is still on the portion marked RED above. 6. Go to Insert then SharePoint Controls and select Custom List From form the menu 7. You will get a popup as shown below 8. Please make sure you have selected your list and content type from the first and second drop down. In my case I selected my Task list and Task content type. 9. From the next option button select New Item From as shown above. You have to repeat the same step for Edit and View forms also. 10. Now your list be converted to a Custom list from as shown below 11. You can now select any column or row as per your wish. 12. Right click on Title field then select Row as shown below 13. Then the row containing Title and the text box for entering Title be selected in the code view also. 14. I want to align Title and priority fields on the same row so I am removing the Second row starting and first row closing to put this two in one row. Please find the screen shot below 15. Please repeat the same step for the remaining columns also as shown below 16. Save your changes then check in NewForm.aspx. 17. Now you open your New form in Task list .You can see the columns are arranged like shown below 18. This type of customization is useful if the list contains large number of fields.