First, let's create a new Windows Phone 7
Application Project in Visual Studio 2010.
![windoes phone application]()
After creating your project, you need to add
reference to the toolkit library by right clicking on the project name in Solution
Explorer, select Add Reference. Be sure to select the .NET tab and then find the
library Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Toolkit. Remember that if you are using Windows
Phone 7 SDK 7.1, then you has to use the appropriate version of Silverlight for
Windows Phone Toolkit. If you have not downloaded the toolkit, go to,
download and install it now.
![references in windows phone 7]()
That's all for settings, let's talk about our app. We are going to create
a simple Windows Phone 7 Application with a blue rectangle on the screen. And
the interesting thing is that the user will be able to drag this rectangle
around the phone screen. Here is the screenshot
![windoes phone application]()
Double click on the MainPage.xaml in Solution Explorer to edit the XAML of
this page. Look for the Grid named ContentPanel and add new a Rectangle to
that grid like this:
We call this rectangle myRectangle because we will need to reference to it
from the code behind file.
To use the toolkit, first you have to declare the namespace in the XAML
file by adding this line along with other lines at top of MainPage.xaml
Inside the Rectangle, add new XAML to handle the dragging event of the
rectangle. Your ContentPanel grid will now look like this:
Here, we handle an important event: DragDelta. DragDelta is the event that
occurs whenever you move your finger (or whatever you use) over the Rectangle.
If you programed Windows Forms before, you would see that this event just like
the MouseMove event in Windows Forms (except you really touch the screen in case
of Windows Phone). There are other events provided by the GuestureService that
you can use. For more information, please go to this link:
Let's jump into the code file (by pressing the F7 key or right click on
MainPage.xaml and choose View Code). If you don't see the method for handling
the DragDelta even, please add it manually like this:
void GestureListener_DragDelta(object
sender, DragDeltaGestureEventArgs e)
But wait a minute, how can we move the Rectangle around? It is put inside
Grid panel so you can not specify the top and left like what we can do with
Canvas panel. Fortunately, you can achieve the same result by making use of the
RenderTransform property that each UI control has. Not only can you move your
UIElement (in other words "translate it"), you can also be able to scale it or
rotate it through RenderTransform property.
Because we are focused on moving the Rectangle, I will use the
TranslateTransform class to move it. Declare private fields call
translateTransform in your MainPage.xaml.cs file
TranslateTransform translateTransform;
And then, inside the constructor MainPage(), add the following lines of
= new
myRectangle.RenderTransform = translateTransform;
The above code is quite simple. We first initialize the translateTransform
object, and then we assign it to the RenderTransform property of myRectangle.
Now we can move the myRectangle by modifying the X and Y properties of
translateTransform variable. We will put the new code inside the
GuestureListener_DragDelta method like this:
void GestureListener_DragDelta(object
sender, DragDeltaGestureEventArgs e)
translateTransform.X += e.HorizontalChange;
translateTransform.Y += e.VerticalChange;
The parameter e provides you several useful properties that you can use.
HorizontalChange is a double value indicates how long you moved horizontally,
VerticalChange indicates how long you moved vertically. Other property is
Direction allows you to determine the direction of move (Horizontal or
Vertical). In our case, if the user's finger moves left or right, the X property
of translateTransform object will be decreased or increased (by default, this
property has value 0). The same thing is applied when user's finger moves up or
down. By changing X and Y properties, the Rectangle in the UI will be moved
That's all for our project. Now you can run the project by pressing F5 in
Visual Studio. In the emulator, you can use your mouse to drag the blue
rectangle around the phone screen.
Have fun with Windows Phone 7.