Let's see how we get a drop down list with the selected value across the post back.This article is a continuation of my previous article on Populating a Dropdown list in ASP.NET MVC 2 using Entity Framework 4 @ http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/2124ae/5628/Here I will demonstrate how to get a drop down list with the selected value across the Post back.We will see how to keep the selected item as selected once we submit the page.I will be referring to database, Models, Views and Controllers used in my previous article @ (http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/2124ae/5628/) and even the code discussed below will be an addition to the existing sample of the previous article. 1. Update Controllers
string ddlState_SelectedStateValue = Request.Form["ddlStateId"]; IList<SelectListItem> iselectList_States = objRepository.GetStateName(); postmodel.StateValue = new SelectList(iselectList_States, "Value", "Text", ddlState_SelectedStateValue).ToList(); return View(postmodel);
}2. Update Views
Open Index.aspx from Views -> Home -> Views folder. ->Include a Submit Button
3. Compile and Run the Project.Select a State Value and Click Submit
We can see across Post back – our drop drop down list gets repopulated with the last selected value.
I have attached the Code for this Sample application. Happy Learning!