MVVM is stand for model-view viewmodel in which the Glue code treated as View Model which is basically focuses on separation of concerns to make the implementation of an application structure a lot more simpler to create as well as maintain. The MVVM work as an interface between Model and View. MVVM is also provide data binding between View and Model data and it is also handles all the UI (User Interference) actions by using command. In View we can binds its control value to properties on a ViewModel which in turn, exposes data contained in Model objects. The MVVM have three keys patterns : 1. Model for Business rule, data access, model classes. 2. View is User interface (XAML). 3. ViewModel for Agent or middle man between view and model.
Emanuel Martins
Suthahar Jegatheesan
Mehul Rajput
Anubhav Chaudhary
Bruno Leonardo Michels
Jejji Arora
Mariusz Postol
Santhosh Kumar Jayaraman
Nirav Daraniya
Debabrata Ghosh
Maulik Kansara
Abhishek Saini
Prabhat Kumar
Varun Setia
Selva Ganapathy
Delpin Susai Raj
Sanjay Kumar
Mushtaq M A
Raj Kumar
Charwaka Thupili
Aymen Amri
Rikam Palkar
Daniel Gomez
Shivangi Rajde
Pankaj Bajaj
Vishnujeet Kumar
Jose Carlos Macoratti
Akhil Mittal
Yusuf Karatoprak
Deepika Ramanathan
Nagaraj M
Swagata Prateek
Gaurav Kumar
Avnish Kumar
Hari Murugesan
James Croft
Muhammad Zubair
Mujeeb Rahman
Ishrak El Andaloussi
Nipun Tomar
Fabio Silva Lima
Arvind Chourasiya
Venkata Swamy Balaraju
David Anderson
Mohammad Irshad
Agus Suhanto
Ravishankar Velladurai
Valerii Tereshchenko
Pradeep Yadav
Juan Francisco Morales Larios
Aleksei Pavlov
Biswajit Kayal
Rahul Bansal
Ck Nitin