Entity Framework
Entity Framework
Entity Framework (EF) is an object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects. It eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that developers usually need to write.
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Entity Framework

Be Careful Using Distinct and OrderBy in EF Core Queries

Entity Framework

Mastering UseSeeding and UseAsyncSeeding in EF Core 9

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (5), With .Net Core MVC, Database-First


Entity Framework Core Migration - FluentAPI - Extraneous DB Columns

Entity Framework

Simplify Your Queries With “AutoInclude” In EntityFramework Core


what is repository pattern?


Invoke Stored Procedure from EF

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (13), with .Net Core Code-First Summary

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (12), with New .Net Core MVC Code-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (11-1), with .Net Core Razor Pages Code-First (2)

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (11), with .Net Core Razor Pages Code-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (10), With .Net WebForms, Database-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (7), With .NET WPF, Database-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (4), With .Net Core MVC, Code-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (3-1), with .Net Console Model-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (3), with .Net MVC, Model-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (2), With .Net MVC, Database-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (1), With .Net MVC, Code-First

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (0-1), Overview Additions

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (0), Overview

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (3-0), Entity Data Model (EDM)


Increase the Performance of Entity Framework

Entity Framework

DbContext Register and Lifetime

Entity Framework

Entity Framework In MVC - Part Three

Entity Framework

Entity Framework Core Feature - Global Query Filters