![Android 16 preview]()
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Android 16 Developer Preview is available now to test with your apps. This is the start of Android having more frequent API releases as part of our effort to drive faster innovation in apps and devices.
Two Android API releases in 2025
This preview is for the next major release of Android, with a planned launch in Q2 of 2025. This release is similar to all of our API releases in the past, where they can have planned behavior changes that are often tied to a targetSdkVersion.
Google is planning the major release a quarter earlier (Q2 rather than Q3 in prior years) to better align with the schedule of device launches across our ecosystem so more devices can get the major release of Android sooner. With the major release coming in Q2, you’ll need to do your annual compatibility testing a few months earlier than in previous years to make sure your apps are ready.
Plan to have another release in Q4 of 2025, which also will include new developer APIs. The Q2 major release will be the only release in 2025 to include planned behavior changes that could affect apps.
In addition to new developer APIs, the Q4 minor release will pick up feature updates, optimizations, and bug fixes; it will not include any app-impacting behavior changes.
Google will continue to have quarterly Android releases. The Q1 and Q3 updates in between the API releases will provide incremental updates to help ensure continuous quality. They are actively working with our device partners to bring the Q2 release to as many devices as possible.