
Article Level

Publish Year

Sourav Kayal's articles

LINQ Standard Query Operators

10y 39.3k 2 100

Understand Stub, Mock and Fake in Unit Testing

10y 332.7k 3 100

Unit Test Using Mock Object in Dependency Injection

10y 497.7k 7 100

Repository Design Pattern in MVC Architecture With Entity Framework

10y 40.8k 4 100

Lambda Expression In 15 Minutes

10y 79.2k 8 300

JavaScript, AngularJS : The Heroes of Modern Web Applications

10y 12.4k 6 100

Service Locator Design Pattern

10y 181k 8 100

Implement Dependency Injection Using Autofac IoC Container

10y 251.1k 10 100

Resolve Dependency in 3 Ways Using Ninject IoC Container

10y 66.4k 1 100

Built-In HTML Helper Class in MVC

10y 46.7k 2 100

Implement Dependency Injection Using NInject

10y 138.9k 1 100

Inversion of Control Using Unity

10y 146.5k 0 100

Implement IoC Using Unity in MVC 5

10y 319.7k 7 100

Model Validation in Web API

10y 145.8k 0 100

Consume Odata Endpoint From JavaScript Client

10y 34.9k 1 100

Expose Odata Endpoints Without Entity Framework and Performing CRUD

10y 97.8k 2 100

A New Way to Send Response Using IHttpActionResult

10y 246.4k 1 100

Basic Authentication in Web API Based on User Role

10y 183.1k 8 100

Expose Odata Endpoint in Web API 2

10y 18k 0 100

Asynchronous Controller of Web API 2 With Entity Framework 6: Put and Dele...

10y 107.5k 1 100

HTTP Operations GET, POST, PUT and DELETE From .NET Client

10y 1.5m 13 100

Asynchronous Controller of Web API 2 With Entity Framework 6: Post Method

10y 22.8k 0 100

Asynchronous Controller of Web API 2 With Entity Framework 6: Get() Method

10y 44.7k 1 100

Lazy and Eager Loading in Entity Framework

10y 105.5k 6 100

Implement Lazy Loading in C# Using Lazy<T> Class

10y 230k 14 100
 1 - 25 of 233