Shweta Lodha's videos

Generate Image Thumbnail using Azure Computer Vision and Function App

3y 17.7k 500

Generate Image Thumbnail using Azure Computer Vision and Logic Apps

3y 8.9k 500

Perform Sentiment Analysis on Email Content & Create Dashboard - Azure...

3y 19.1k 500

Opinion Mining using Azure Text Analytics - Sentiment Analysis

3y 7.2k 500

Extracting Sensitive Information from Document using Azure Text Analytics

3y 10.2k 500

Building Custom Translation Model using Azure Translator Services

3y 54k 500

Translating Document from One Language To Another

3y 43.4k 500

Getting Started With Azure Sentiment Analysis

3y 8.7k 500

Visual Studio Code - Enable Debugger for Python Code in Jupyter Notebook

3y 6.9k 500

Creating and Training Custom ML Model Using AI-Powered Azure Form Recogniz...

3y 7.1k 500

Extract Text from Sales Receipt using Pre-Built Model - Azure Form Recogni...

3y 8.7k 500

Understanding Recall and Precision in Simplest Way

3y 14.7k 500

Detecting Vehicles in an Image using Azure Custom Vision Service

3y 41k 500

Getting Started with Image Analysis using Azure Cognitive Services

3y 19.7k 500

Building End-to-End Custom Image Classifier using Azure Custom Vision

3y 21k 500

Automatically Shutdown the Azure VM using Automation Tasks Template (PREVI...

3y 6.6k 500

Copy Azure Blobs From One Storage Account to Another

3y 5.8k 500

Copy Azure Blobs Using AzCopy

3y 10.3k 500

Chat Application Using Azure Web PubSub Service (Preview)

3y 4.7k 500

Learn how to connect to Azure from VS Code

3y 3.8k 500

How to Update Secret in GitHub Repository

3y 3.7k 500

CI/CD Setup with GitHub Repository using Visual Studio Code

3y 8.9k 500

Visual Studio Code - How to get started with C# project

3y 14k 500

Redirecting Traffic Based On Priority Using Azure Traffic Manager

3y 3.4k 500