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Aman Singhal's articles

Make PDFs and Photos Open in Windows 8 Desktop Programs

12y 9.9k 1 100

Disable Password Requirement When Waking Windows 8 From Sleep

12y 11k 0 100

Encrypt Files and Folders With EFS in Windows 8

12y 13k 1 100

Bring Back the Quick Launch Bar in Windows 8

12y 9.3k 0 100

Encrypt a USB Flash Drive In Windows 8

12y 14.7k 0 100

How To Boot Windows 8 Into Safe Mode

12y 16k 0 100

Windows 8 Start Menu Replacement Start8 Get Design Overhaul

12y 13.7k 1 100

Windows Defender in Windows 8 Includes MSE

12y 9.6k 0 100

Print From Windows 8 Metro Style Apps

12y 10.2k 0 100

Windows 8 a New Look With High Contrast Mode

12y 14.3k 0 100

Create Desktop Shortcut to Favorites in Windows 8

12y 38k 0 100

How To Change Windows 8 Metro Tile Sizes

12y 10.8k 0 100

Bring Back the Windows 8 Start Screen Tile Animation

12y 9.8k 0 100

How To Enable Windows 8 File History

12y 7.9k 0 100

Set a Network Location For Windows 8 File History

12y 9.6k 0 100

Make Windows 8 Boot Straight to Desktop With Task Scheduler

12y 8.9k 0 100

Disable Windows 8 SmartScreen

12y 10k 0 100

Enable the Windows 8 Store on Windows To Go

12y 7.5k 0 100

Get the Start Menu Back in Windows 8 With Classic Shell

12y 13.8k 0 100

Customize Windows 8 Shutdown, Logon and Logoff Sounds

12y 13.4k 0 100

Change the Windows 8 Sound Scheme

12y 8.4k 0 100

Make Windows 8 Use the Old Boot Manager

12y 8.9k 0 100

Run Disk Cleanup to Remove Temporary Files in Windows 8

12y 10.3k 0 100

Make Windows 8 Boot Straight To the Desktop

12y 11.7k 0 100

Start8 For Windows 8 Gets an Awesome Upgrade

12y 6.8k 1 100
 1 - 25 of 109