Page Re-direction in JavaScript


In this chapter, we learned why we use cookies and how to use cookies in JavaScript.
In this chapter, we will learn about Page Re-direction in JavaScript with example programs.

Page Re-direction in JavaScript

Its name indicates the concept, page redirection means moving to another location or page using JavaScript at the client-side. Sometimes you are visiting a specific website but it goes to another page because it is internally redirected. If you visit the shopping website: Amazon, it will show the following image: 
Page Re direction in JavaScript
It will show you a pop-up message “Shopping from India? Looking for” with the two options, the first “Stay on” and the second “Go to” and when you click on the second option the page will be redirected to Amazon.
There are multiple reasons to redirect from the original page as follows:
  1. One reason we just discussed in the previous example. The browser gets your location and asks for the change of the page and that button click event page is redirected.
  2. If you have created a new domain and you want to redirect all your visitors from the old to the new domain.
The following are the various page redirection methods, to redirect from one page to another in JavaScript.
These methods are used for redirecting to another page; just add this code to the head section:
  1. Using window.location.
    1. <script type="text/javascript">    
    2. <!--    
    3.    window.location="";    
    4.    //-->    
    5. </script>  
  2. Using window.location.href.
    1. <script type="text/javascript">    
    2. <!--    
    3.    window.location.href="";    
    4.    //-->    
    5. </script>   
  3. Using window.location.assign.
    1. <script type="text/javascript">    
    2. <!--    
    3.    window.location.assign="";    
    4.    //-->    
    5. </script>  
  4. Using window.location.replace.
    1. <script type="text/javascript">    
    2. <!--    
    3.    window.location.replace="";    
    4.    //-->    
    5. </script>   
  5. Using
    1. <html>    
    2.    <head>    
    3.       <script type="text/javascript">    
    4.       <!--    
    5.          function WinOpen() {    
    6.    """OpenWindow""status = 1, height = 450, width = 450, resizable = 0" )    
    7.          }    
    8.          //-->    
    9.       </script>    
    10.    </head>    
    11.    <body>    
    12.       <input type="button" onClick="WinOpen()" value="WinOpen">    
    13.    </body>    
    14. </html>   
    In the preceding code you see the various properties are used, like height, width, status, resizable, fullscreen, left, right, and so on. The status, resizable and fullscreen is the ON/OFF properties that you can set to 0 for OFF and 1 for ON.
When you click on the button it will open a new window like the following:

Redirect to another page after some time interval

For this, there is one method setTimeout() to set a time interval for redirecting. Just pass the redirected page and the time interval.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head>    
  3.       <script type="text/javascript">    
  4.          function Redirect()    
  5.          {    
  6.             window.location="";    
  7.          }    
  8.          document.write("You will be Redirected in 5s.");    
  9.          //set time interval and page to redirect    
  10.          setTimeout('Redirect()', 5000);    
  11.       </script>    
  12.    </head>    
  13.    <body>    
  14.    </body>    
  15. </html>   
When you run the code it will show the output like the following. After 5 seconds it will redirect to the c-sharpcorner page.
You will be redirected in 5s.
Page redirected to another page OnClick event
Just call the method in the OnClick event. When you press the button it will redirect to another page.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head>    
  3.       <script type="text/javascript">    
  4.          function Redirect()    
  5.          {    
  6.              window.location="";    
  7.          }    
  8.       </script>    
  9.    </head>    
  10.    <body>    
  11.       <button onclick="Redirect()">Redirect Me</button>    
  12.    </body>    
  13. </html>   
When you click on the Redirect Me button it will redirect to the page.
Redirected page


In this chapter, we learned about Page Redirection in JavaScript with example programs. 
Jeetendra Gund
47 30.7k 3.1m