Internet of Things: Real-World Applications


You have a great deal of IoT expertise. Now you will learn some of the most common real-world IoT applications in this chapter.

You will consider that some technologies are an essential part of existence.

IoT Real World Applications

IoT in every aspects of our lives
Figure: IoT in every aspect of our lives
The figure above illustrates various IoT uses in our daily lives. We can see from the figure that IoT affects all facets of our daily routine, from home to transportation to medication!

Let's look at the way the IoT does this.


Through utilizing IoT network protocols, home computers are linked to the home network and can be accessed directly, through the home network and also distantly from everywhere in the world. The connected home devices can coordinate the use of energy, consumer convenience and can predict the needs of homes precisely and consistently.

The retail stores now have smartphone app-controlled thermostats and lighting solutions. These are also a large range of protections, including remotes, automated monitoring, etc. The system also extends to many other tools and accessories for home use.
Some of the IoT smart home applications are:
  • Home security and Access control
  • Lighting control
  • Home health care
  • Fire detection including leak detection
  • Energy efficiency
  • Solar panel monitoring and control
  • Temperature monitoring and HVAC control
  • Automated meter reading
IoT Application
Figure: Smart Home – IoT Application
Use of IoT in every aspects of Smart Home
Figure: Use of IoT in every aspect of Smart Home


Clinical Care: For hospitalized patients whose physiological condition requires constant and close attention, IoT-driven monitoring systems are used. These surveillance systems use sensors to collect physiological data that are analyzed and stored via gateways and the cloud. This information is then transmitted wirelessly for further analysis and review by caregivers. This offers an automatic knowledge exchange constantly. With constant focus, the standard of the service is increased and the costs of treatment are that.
IoT in Clinical Care
Figure: IoT in Clinical Care
Remote monitoring: Due to the lack of immediate access to effective health monitoring systems, many lives suffer risks. Small, powerful, wireless solutions connected through the IoT is making it possible for remote monitoring of those patients who require immediate attention. Patient’s health data are captured using various sensors and are analyzed and sent to the medical professional for proper medical assistance remotely.
Sensors connected on a patient for Remote Health Monitoring
Figure: Sensors connected on a patient for Remote Health Monitoring
IoT in Remote Health Monitoring
Figure: IoT in Remote Health Monitoring

Smart Energy

IoT solutions are used in Energy sectors for efficient and smart utilization of energy.
  • Smart grid: “A smart grid is a modernized the electrical grid that uses analog or digital information and communications technology to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviors of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.” – Wikipedia.
  • Smart meter: “A smart meter is usually an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting.” – Wikipedia.
With Smart Energy Metering, not only do technicians not need to come and physically read your meter, you have access personally to your energy usage so you can see what impact your consumption patterns have on your wallet and on the environment.
Reasons for the smart grid:
  • Stopping power threat.
  • Higher quality/reliability of power, fewer blackouts.
  • Efficient energy utilization.
  • A smart grid is required for renewable power.
From conventional grid to Smart Grid
Figure: From conventional grid to Smart Grid

Connected Cars

A very useful implementation of IoT is the introduction of connected cars. The cars have sensors attached to them that help them analyze the traffic of the road, keep them updated about the road condition, and also keeps them connected with the road control center for further assistance. There are onboard diagnostic systems that alert you about nearly everything in the car, from faulty lights to tire pressure.
Connected Car
Figure: Connected Car


Another significant implementation of IoT is in the field of environmental care. Global warming is an issue, IoT is being used to tackle this critical problem. Also, IoT allows quicker notification of natural disasters, thus saving crucial time. It also promotes better analysis and reporting. Also, this technology helps in pollution and waste management using warning sensors.
Smart Waste Management
Figure: Smart Waste Management


As it is with homes, our cities are also benefiting from this technology (IoT). The clearest examples are driving convenience (real-time traffic tracking and parking information) and electricity optimization (using resources like lightning depending on weather conditions and automated malfunction reporting). All major cities of the world are welcoming IoT based solutions.
Smart City with IoT
Figure: Smart City with IoT


With the growth of IoT, business models are hugely innovated. It has become much easier to manage multiple locations and keep a close quality check. More customers can be reached all at once and hence a greater growth of the business.
IoT in Business
Figure: IoT in Business


Using connected government, government sectors can keep a track of its local governing bodies like a municipal corporation. It can also keep track of its employee productivity. Common people can request their needs and the government can deliver the service quickly. Also, with the massive amount of data collected from IoT sensors, it can lead to innovations. And not to forget, citizens can also gain a piece of knowledge about the working of their respective government.
IoT and Government
Figure: IoT and Government


The agricultural sector is not behind in IoT applications. It is doing more innovation with IoT. IoT strategy is being utilized in the agricultural industry and it is a huge success in terms of productivity, pest control, water conservation, and continuous production based on improved technology and methods. Some influences of IoT in agriculture are:
  • Crop monitoring: Sensors can be used to monitor crops and the health of plants using the data collected. Sensors can also be used for the early monitoring of pests and disease.
  • Food safety: The entire supply chain, the Farm, logistics and retails, are all becoming connected. Farm products can be connected with RFID tags, increasing customer confidence.
  • Climate monitoring: Sensors can be used to monitor temperature, humidity, light intensity, and soil moisture. These data can be sent to the central system to trigger alerts and automate water, air, and crop control.
  • Logistics monitoring: Location-based sensors can be used to track vegetables and other Farm products during transport and storage. This enhances scheduling and automates the supply chain.
  • Livestock farming monitoring: The monitoring of Farm animals can be monitored via sensors to detect potential signs of disease. The data can be analyzed from the central system and relevant information can be sent to the farmers.
    IoT in Agriculture
    Figure: IoT in Agriculture
And the list of IoT applications continues.
Let’s have a look at Libelium’s smart world info-graphic to see the vast application of the IoT.
Numerous IoT Applications
Figure: Numerous IoT Applications
That’s all for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading!!
Sukanya Mandal
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