Build Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps is a technology for building modern Web applications for for mobile that are responsive, progressive, works offline, and fast. 
In this training, you will learn the following:
  1. Introduction to PWA
  2. When should you use a PWA
  3. PWA development cycle
  4. Make a static website work offline
  5. Installing a PWA on the home screen
  6. Introduction to Service Worker
  7. Intro to Promises
  8. Using the Fetch API
  9. Advanced Promises
  10. Debugging Service Workers in Chrome
  11. Debugging Service Workers in Firefox
  12. Debugging Service Workers in Safari
  13. Tools for building PWA: Workbox
  14. Gulp setup
  15. Using Workbox to manager your caches
  16. Using Workbox to build systems
  17. When and how to update the cache
  18. PWA caching strategies
  19. Caching user content (social sites)
  20. Caching server-generated content (publishing/news sites)
  21. Client-side data for PWA – Using Cloud Firestore
  22. Working with live data in service worker
  23. Indexing your PWA (Discoverability & SEO)
  24. Installing Google Analytics into web applications
  25. Authentication for PWA
  26. Implementing OAuth2 in PWAs
  27. Introduction to Web Push and Notifications
  28. Display Notifications
  29. Send and receive push messages
  30. Use VAPID to secure push messages
  31. Easier payments for PWAs
  32. Implementing the Web Payments API
  33. Responsive Design
  34. Responsive images
  35. IndexedDB