
Which Points Must Be Remember in WEB TESTING??

Divya Saxena

Divya Saxena


    i also want to share some points which needs to remember...
    1-Can the system work effectively for one user ten user or  a more then
    2-Does the Home Page Load quickly?
    3-If u follow each instruction does the expected result  occur?
    4-Is there a link to home on every single page?
    5-Are graphics optimized for quick downloads?
    6-Are all referenced web sites or email addresses hyper linked?
    7-Are fonts  is see easily.
    8-Is all text properly aligned.
    9-Does each hyperlink work on each page?
    10-Link must be shown by underline or other view
    11-Link name should be similar in every place

    1-Does the system provide the correct result?
    2-Does the system provide all the functions & features expected?
    3-Is it easy to learn & use?
    4-Is the web site searchable?
    5-If u close the form so its always give the msg that u really wants.(such like msgs)
    6-Thanks, save, delete msg etc. (After submitting the form).
    7-Refresh button must be in the form, for refresh all the action.
    8-Search button must be present in home page & their related pages