Where we use ngModel directives in Angular?
Kirtesh Shah
Where are we use ngModel directives in Angular?
It is used to bind the data from one form to another or to bind data within the form. It supports 2 way binding. For further reference visit this link: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/ngmodel-in-angular-with-example/
For detailed information visit: https://appdividend.com/2022/01/19/angular-ngmodel/
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In Angular, the ngModel directive is primarily used in forms to establish two-way data binding between form controls (such as input elements) and model data. It allows you to synchronize the data entered by the user in the form controls with the corresponding properties in your component’s TypeScript code. Here are common places where you would use the ngModel directive:
Template-Driven Forms:
In template-driven forms, you use ngModel to bind form controls like input fields to properties in your component. This allows you to capture and work with user input.Example:htmlCopy code
Reactive Forms:
In reactive forms, you use ngModel in combination with the formControlName directive to bind form controls to corresponding FormControl instances you define in your component.Example:htmlCopy code
Custom Form Controls:
You can use ngModel to create custom form controls that implement two-way data binding. This is useful when building reusable components.Example:htmlCopy code
ngModel can be used in conjunction with Angular’s built-in validation directives (e.g., ngModel with [required], [min], [max], etc.) to validate user input.Example:htmlCopy code
Select Controls:
You can use ngModel with select elements to bind and capture selected options.Example:htmlCopy code
Tùy chọn 1 Tùy chọn 2Checkbox and Radio Buttons: ngModel is commonly used with checkboxes and radio buttons to track their state.Example (checkbox):htmlCopy code Remember that for ngModel to work, you need to import the FormsModule or ReactiveFormsModule from @angular/forms in your Angular module and include them in the imports array. Additionally, ensure that you have properly initialized the corresponding properties in your component’s TypeScript code.@ovo