
What the difference between get and post?

Dillip Nayak

Dillip Nayak


    Get sends the Data through URL of the request where as Post send the Values from body of the form

    Get method can carry only text data get method is faster as compared to post Data is passed through URL that is Data is append to URL Data is append to the URL.Data is not secret GET request is SEO friendly. SEARCH will be the best example for GET request. Data is publicly available GET/POST/PUT methods both send and receive response/data. GET/POST/PUT methods all transmit at the same speed Caching is possible Hacking will be easyPOst method can carry test as well as binary data post method is slower as compared to get Post we use to send data through body.Data is not append to the url.Data is secret. POST request has not. LOGIN will be the best example for POST request. No caching Hacking is difficult

    Get - you send data with URL - so unsafe Post - you send data in encrypted format - more safeGet - support caching (due to URL) - so data can be hacked Post - no cache support - so difficult to hack

    Refere this link : http://www.dotnetmirror.com/Articles/aspnet/1/get-and-post-methods-in-asp.net-html-and-difference-between-get-and-post-get-vs-post

    get and post are the methods . they are used to transfer the data from front end form like html or aspx page to middle end i.e programming languages like c# java etc. in get methods we cannot send large data there is a limitation to 1024 characters . and is not suitable to transfer data like passwords . whatever we send data using get method it is visible in url. but if we use post method the data is encrypted and separate page is created and is append to it.