
What kind of work environment do you like the best?

Mahesh Chand

Mahesh Chand


    I have 24 hours in day like everyone Out of it I approx. I spend half or near to half at work means approx. half of life ,so I would like to spend my half life in that environment where I can learn in means of my work knowledge, ethics and lot of things that make my half life better , because knowledge is key of better person.

    i like to work with every type of co-workers whether they are friendly or not. if they are friendly i enjoy otherwise i try to make them friendly. In short i like to work in such an environment where we can share ideas with no competition.

    I enjoy the environment like where we are not doing "Work" only. entertainment also be there to get rid of frustration of Code. Knowledge sharing and learning should be there. " a complete friendly environment. :)

    I enjoy working with friendly co-workers who can share a laugh while working hard and overachieving