What is the need of VIEWS in DataBase
Sanjeev Singh
Hey I found this site that touches on creating views for databases. There's even some example coding. Enjoy!http://www.izenda.com/Site/KB/Integration/18
Hey I found this site that touches on creating views for databases. There's even some example coding. Enjoy! http://www.izenda.com/Site/KB/Integration/18
View is virtual table in the database.There are three types of views in sql server1.Standard or Normal View2.Distributed View3.Indexed or Permanent View.Standard or Normal view that wont stored the actual data. It stores only schema of the table creation as a object in database. When you touch the table it will get execute and load the data on the table.Distributed View is a view it will have the tables with in different database in same server, or other database across the server.Index view or permanent view it will store the data permanently.It allow to create the instead of trigger.You may have doubt like how to create the index view. Yes, there is an option like With Schema Binding in the Create View schema.Need of Create Views:-----------------------1. When you have more complex calculations or more joining then you can go for views. It will make easy for us.2. Security Mechanism: If you have only one table with lot of information. That table has multiple department records. One person should not know others information then you can divide that table with number of virtual table.3. Avoid Sql Injection: If you have very sensitive online application like Net banking then there is a possibility of sql injection by the hackers. That time if you use the original table then it will get delete and you will loose the data. But if you use virtual table then site may not work at the moment. But still you have backup data in the base table.
A Database View is a subset of the database sorted and displayed in a particular way. For example, in an equipment database, perhaps you only wish to display the Weapons stored in the database. To do that you would create a Weapons view. The equipment database templates has a view for each equipment type, sorted by the name of the equipment.
For each view, you can control which columns are displayed, what order they are displayed in, how wide each column is, how the data is sorted, and what types of records to display.
A view called "All" is always defined and cannot be deleted. While you can change the sort order of this view, you cannot change which records are displayed. As the name of the view suggests, All records in the database are always displayed by the All view. However, feel free to change the column order or column widths as you'd like.
The View is like a windows through which data on table can be viewed or changed.
A view is derive from another table or view which is fererred to as the base table of the view , A real table with data that is physically stored
A view is stored as a select statement only. It is a vertual table that is a table that does not physically exist in its own . It manipulates data in the underlying base table
Restring access to the database
Allowing user to make simple queries to retrive the result from complicated queries.
View allow the same data to be seen by different user in different ways.
View is Nothing but it is Virtual table,by using Views retrivel data from database is very essay Main Advatage is Speed Access data from Data base
views are the important part of database we create views because :
if u don't want to show the whole data of your table than u can create views by views the only
data will be display wich u want and u can update the views like tables...
Thanks !