
what is the difference between website and portal

vamsi d

vamsi d


    Website is Accessible with unique URL & No login required , (Public view) Portal accessible with unique URL & unique username & password, login required (within in a company)

    A Website is all the pages, images and files contained under a domain name - such as www.happy-online.co.uk

    A Web Portal is a type of Website. A Web Portal acts as a gateway to the internet. (A typical dictionary definition of the word portal would be - a doorway or a grand entrance.)

    Take the website www.yahoo.com, this is a website, all the pages under the domain www.yahoo.com combine to make the website. However, Yahoo is often referred to as a Web Portal, if you have a look at the Yahoo Website you can see why it has often been called a Portal. The Website acts as a doorway (Portal) to the Internet, from the website you can search the web, go shopping, take part in auctions, read your email etc.