
What is the difference between Re-Testing and Regression Testing?

Dharmendra Gaur

Dharmendra Gaur


    Regression testing involves re-running the previously run tests to find out if the already tested faults have re-occurred or new faults have been introduced. Re-testing may not involve running previously run tests or it could involve new testing methods

    RE-TESTING: we check for the particular bug and its dependencies after it is said to be fixed.

    REGRESSION TESTING : We check the entire system whether the fixed bug make any adverse effect in the existing system or not.

    Re- test :-

    • Re-testing means we testing only the certain part of an application again and not considering how it will effect in the other part or in the whole application.
    • Re-testing after fixes or modifications of the software or its environment. It can be difficult to determine how much re-testing is needed, especially near the end of the development cycle. Automated testing tools can be especially useful for this type of testing.

    Regression Testing :-

    • Testing the application after a change in a module or part of the application for testing that is the code change will affect rest of the application.
    • This is testing the whole application again after the fixes or the modifications are done on the software. This is mostly done at the end of the Software development life cycle. Mostly Automated testing tools are used for these type of testing.