
What is the difference between Authorization and Authentication?

Vinod manola

Vinod manola


    Authentication means, Checking whether User is valid or not by accepting certain credentials like username and password.Authorization means - Checking what all rights user have, Like he have read access to so and so option, Read and write to so and so...Like that,

    Authentication : An authentication system is how you identify yourself to the computer. The goal behind an authentication system is to verify that the user is actually who they say they are. Authorization : Once the system knows who the user is through authentication, authorization is how the system decides what the user can do. A good example of this is using group permissions or the difference between a normal user and the administrator on the system.

    Authentication is to identify who you are and Authorization is what you can access.

    Authentication is verifying the identity of the user & Authorization is a process where we check dose this identity have access right to the system.

    Authentication is verifying the identity of the user & Authorization is a process where we check dose this identity have access right to the system.

    Authentication is verifying the identity of the user & Authorization is a process where we check dose this identity have access right to the system.

    Authentication: - Prove genuineness. Ex- When you give your credentials to login. Authorization: - Process of granting approval or permission on resources.Ex- Administrator of the site have different access than that of the user.

    Authentication means who is the user and what is user identity. Authorization means the user have to right to access data.

    Authentication is a process to identify the user. best example of Authentication is When You Enter Your Email Id and Password for log-in in Gmail.Authorization is a process to validate to u have right to access data or not .