
What is Ref Cursor in .NET and how it is link with ExecuteReader ?

Samir Bhogayta

Samir Bhogayta


    Ref cursor play its role when doing with the oracle database these comes in ODP.NET. Ref Cursors are objects that link to Oracle server-side cursors.These Ref Cursor can be converted in oracle datareader with this Ref cursor we can get result with query written to pl/sql and the result can be get in .net.Now the question arise why we use Ref Cursor when we have an option of ExceuteReader reson is simple when we need more query in pl/sql means our work is done in pl/sql then we need this ref cursor for getting result set because doennot have direct connection to that table.Becasue advantage of pl/sql we can take two opertion in one query.