
What is push down predicate?

In spark or pyspark, when we write a query, the engine auto implementes push down predicate mechanism. What is that and what is the benefit?

    Push down predicate is a technique that allows Spark to filter the data in the database query, reducing the number of entries retrieved from the database and improving query performance tiny fishing.
    A predicate is a condition on a query that returns true or false, typically located in the WHERE clause.

    By default, the Spark Dataset API will automatically push down valid WHERE clauses to the database

    The benefit of push down predicate is that it can reduce disk I/O and memory usage by scanning only the relevant data. It can also leverage partition elimination to optimize performance when reading folders from the file system.
    For example, if you filter on a nested column such as library.books.title, the push down predicate will make parquet read only the blocks that contain the matching values for that column

    A predicate push down filters the data in the database query, reducing the number of entries retrieved from the database and improving query performance.
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    In the context of database systems and query optimization, a push down predicate refers to a query optimization technique that attempts to reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed by a query.

    When a query is executed, the database system retrieves all the data that matches the query condition from the database tables and applies the filters and joins to produce the result set. In some cases, however, it is possible to optimize the query by pushing the filtering conditions closer to the data source, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed by the query.

    For example, consider a query that selects all the customers who live in a particular city. Instead of selecting all the customers and then filtering them by city, the query optimizer can push down the city condition to the database engine to only retrieve the customers who live in that city, reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed by the query.

    By pushing the filtering conditions down to the data source, the query can be executed more efficiently, and the overall performance of the query can be improved. This technique is especially useful for queries that involve large datasets, where the cost of retrieving all the data can be significant.

    You have created a specific TensorFlow environment to run instructions on TensorFlow. It is more convenient to create a new environment other than hello-tf threes js.

    Imagine most of your project involves TensorFlow, but you need to use Spark for a specific project. You can set TensorFlow environments for all your projects and create your own environments for Spark. You can add as many libraries in the Spark environment as you like without interfering with the TensorFlow environment. After completing a Spark project, you can delete it without affecting the TensorFlow environment.