
What is dynamic Variable in C# ?

Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar



    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    when we run a program we dont know the type of variable called dynamic variable

    a) dynamic variables is type safe varaibles while passing and parameters and as return type also.b) Dynamic Variables, a variables declared with dynamic keyword and dynamic declarations are resolved at run time. Dynamic Variable is decided by the compiler at run time, no need to initialize the variable at the time of declaration.Ex. dynamic query; query = "C# Lnaguage"; //Compile, No errorquery = 1234 ; // its also compile, No error c) Dynamic keyword is used to handle anytime of data if we declare dynamic variable. it can handle anonymous data type and can handle any type of data.