
What is difference between MenuStrip and StatusStrip in WinForms?

Anil Rawat

Anil Rawat


    MenuStrip control in Windows Forms to add a menu bar to your program window.
    MenuStrip adds a menu bar to your Windows Forms program. With this control, we add a menu area and then add the default menus or create custom menus directly in Visual Studio.

    A typical status bar control, placed on the bottom of a Form is used to display some text that represents a status of the application and user actions. In the previous versions of the Windows Forms, the StatusBar control is used to provide the status bar functionality. In Windows Forms 4.0 that is a part of Visual Studio 2010, the StatusStrip control replaces the StatusBar control. The StatusStrip control not only provides status bar functionality but also provides features to add rich user interfaces to a status bar such as a ProgressBar, DropDownButton and SplitButton controls.