
What is the difference between ADO.net and Entity Framework?

rajan sangani

rajan sangani


    Feature ADO.NET Entity Framework
    Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) ADO.NET does not provide built-in ORM capabilities. Developers need to manually map database tables to objects. Entity Framework is an ORM framework that provides built-in support for mapping database tables to .NET objects.
    Database Interaction ADO.NET uses low-level APIs like SqlConnection and SqlCommand for interacting with the database. Entity Framework provides a higher-level abstraction over ADO.NET, allowing developers to work with objects and LINQ queries directly without writing SQL commands.
    Query Language Primarily uses SQL for database queries. Supports LINQ (Language Integrated Query) for querying databases, which allows developers to write queries using C# or VB.NET syntax.
    Code Generation Developers need to manually write and maintain data access code, including SQL queries and result mappings. Entity Framework can automatically generate data access code, including entity classes, context classes, and mappings, based on the database schema.
    Performance Performance may vary based on how efficiently queries and data access code are written. Entity Framework abstracts away some low-level optimizations, which can sometimes lead to performance overhead compared to hand-written ADO.NET code. However, it offers productivity benefits.
    Support for Complex Relationships Handling complex relationships may require manual effort and coding. Entity Framework simplifies working with complex relationships by providing features like navigation properties, lazy loading, and eager loading.
    Database Independence ADO.NET code may need adjustments when switching between different database providers due to differences in SQL dialects and APIs. Entity Framework can abstract away database-specific details, providing a level of database independence through its provider model.