What is DataAdapter?
Vinay Arora
ADO.NET provides two central Data Access Components. The excellent thing is that, they are common across all Databases, be it SQL Server or other competitive databases. Its only the namespace to be used, that differs, while using a Database other than SQL Server.
DataAdapter is a class which is defined is System.Data Namespace which is directly communicates with the central databases it will fetch the data from the databases and fills that data into the datasets
DataAdpter is Bridge between database and dataset/Datatable .
SqlDataadapter is a interface between database and Ado.Net. dataadapter retrive data from database and fill in datatable using Fill method of dataadapter. For example: datatable _dt=new datatable(); sqlcommand cmd=new sqlcommand(); cmd.commandtype=commandtype.text; cmd.text="select * from tablename"; sqldataadapter ad=new sqldataadapter(cmd); ad.fill(_dt); gdvbind.datasource=_dt; gdvbind.databind();