
What is Constructor Chaining

Pradeep Yadav

Pradeep Yadav


    Constructor Chaining is a way to connect two or more classes in a relationship as Inheritance, in Constructor Chaining every child class constructor is mapped to parent class Constructor implicitly by base keyword so when you create an instance of child class to it’ll call parent’s class Constructor without it inheritance is not possible.

    this design pattern is helpful when you have a class that defines multiple constructors. Given that constructors often validate the incoming arguments to enforce various business rules, it can be quit common to find redundant validation logic within a class constructor set.

    Constructor Chaining is an approach where a constructor calls another constructor in the same or base class. This is very handy when we have a class that defines multiple constructors

    you can say nested constructor instead , i mean call one constructor from another and vice versa

    Contstructor chaining is an approach where one constructor can call another constructor in the same class or base class.

    constructor chaining is a mechanism to call the parameterized constructor of base class by the derived class refrence pointer(object)