
What is Azure Fabric Controller?

Krunal Trivedi

Krunal Trivedi


    • Microsoft hosts, create and manage services and computes in datacenter. • These datacenters are globally available and managed by Microsoft. • Inside a datacenter, Microsoft has plotted servers which are connected by switches. • Fabric controller receives a request to create or manage resources on clouds and analyses the process and makes decisions. • It works as a kernel of Azure systems and pass commands to the Virtual Machine and physical servers. • It takes care of everything including new hardware installations, modification on server OS etc. • You can synonym Fabric as an Azure Framework which consists of servers, connections, switches, load-balancers. • Fabric Controller’s primary objective is to satisfy user requests and policies as well as to optimize and simplify deployment. • In Microsoft datacenters there are number of Fabric Controller instances running in various racks. • When a new applications is published to the Azure, Fabric Controller reads associated XML files and make settings accordingly.

    Hi Krunal,

    This article explain in detail about Azure Fabric Controller : https://www.tutorialspoint.com/microsoft_azure/microsoft_azure_fabric_controller.htm