
What is an Assembly ?

Prabhu Raja

Prabhu Raja


    assemblies are building blocks for ms .net framework....assembly contains one r multiple files either dll r exe...actually assembly was created whenever dll built

    2 types of assem
    1.private:it is used within single application&it is stored in bin folder
    2.shared:it is used in multiple applications across the n/w& it is stored under Global Assembly Cache
    ------->if any mistakes-------->post me--------->Thank""""""""""""U"""""""""""

    Assembly is a compile code library use for version, security and deployment, an assembly may contain one or more files, an application can contain two or more assemblies

    Assembly is a logical collection of one or more PE's(Portable Executable) with .net Module

    Assemblies are the fundamental building block of .NET framework.
    They contains the type and resources that are useful to make an
    application. Assembly enables code reuse, version control, security
    and deployment. An assembely can have four parts : Menifest, Type
    metadata, MSIL and Resource file.