
What is a View ?Can we insert,Update and delete a view?

Rajeev Punhani

Rajeev Punhani


    View is a result of a query saved in DB. View is used when we have to give access to limited amount of data. We can give permission to query a view for a table while denied access to the original table. It acts as a security measure.We can insert,update,delete an updatable view only. Read-only views are not updatable.

    Yes, View Is Virtual table. It has two types 1.simple view 2.complex view . In simple view We create view on single base table That's why we can perform all DML operations.it also called as Updatable view. But In case of Complex view We create view on multiple base tables that's why we cannot perform DML operations It is ReadOnly View (Only Select Operation).

    A view is a collections of different tables or different schemas data in a one table . Yes we can perform CRUD operations in a basic view i.e single table view but if its a complex view we cant perform those CRUD operations

    Yes it is possible. However, you need to use instead of trigger to decide to which table the data would be pushed or deleted or needs to be modified.

    Yes, possible to insert,update and delete to view. view is a virtual table.A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table

    A view is a virtual table.A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database. Yes we can insert,Update and delete, if a view is not complex.

    a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. Yes we can perform all operations Insert,delete ,Update Using view

    In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. We can insert, update and delete a view.

    View is a Mirror or Specific data which is retrieved from tables by using saved sql query during run time. view is physically not present in database so it saves memory and also time,it improves performs because of it is bunch of necessary records so operations are quickly performed. view have two types Simple and Complex . in Simple view contains data of only one table so it is possible to perform DML commands like insert update delete. Complex View Contains Multiple Tables Data hence it is not possible to perform DML command on this view.

    view is a saved sql query.it cosiderd as a virtual table(object registered with an open SQLite database connection.). just like table we create view. we used view to reduced complexity of database schema. and yes it update but if the view is based on multiple table then it not update correctly

    Yes, Possible but only when we create the View of One table, Means for Simple View you can perform Insert,Update and Delete also but in Complex View you Can't Means a View which is created by More then two Tables. And one more thing Views have no Physical appearance so it doesn't take any memory.

    Yes it is possible because view is a virtual table and can deleted,inserted and updated.

    view is a subset of table if dml operation perform then it should be change done in main table

    If you have a complex join in multiple tables and you want to use this join again and again then you need to write complex query again again to resolve such type of problems we create view.in View we can apply CRUD only in one table

    View are virtual tables that are compiled at runtime. Data associated with the views are not physically stored in view, they are present in base tables. In SQL Server we create view for security purpose as it restricts user to view columns actually present in the base tables. We can insert, update and delete data from simple view only when we have primary key and all not null fields are in view. We cannot insert/delete data in complex view we can only update it.

    In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table.Yes we can update view, if :- if view is created on a single table - if view contains the primary key field - if view contains all the not null fields of underlying tables - if view query doesn't contain group by or any aggregated field.

    View is virtual table that is contain complex query mostly and we can do the CRUD operations on view .

    it is Virtual table,we can delete,insert ,update in view table

    A View is a virtual table which is derived from other table.Basically it does don't have any physical existence.we can insert ,Update and delete(drop) a view.

    view is partial table Or you can say temperory copy of Table But one thing keep in mind that changes data into view will not effect in original table

    View is a page for actionresult method in controller. Yes we can perform insert delete operation in view

    View is nothing but an interface between Original table and user.yes it is possible to insert,Update and delete using views. Mostly it is used to show limited data to user not whole table.

    A view is subset of table. View is use to retrieve data from database also delete and updating rows. The record stored using view is not permanently store in database. So change in view there is also change in original table because view is virtual table

    View is a virtual table which is created when invoked. Yes we can update, delete the view. What do you mean by insert ?

    Sure, it is possible. Actually View is like a virtual Table.

    View is an object of database we can only select the data from database through view we can not do These functionality using view.

    Yes it is possible. However, you need to use instead of trigger to decide to which table the data would be pushed or deleted or needs to be modified.

    it is possible to add, delete and update

    Yes, possible to insert,update and delete to view. view is a virtual table. Same Perform as insert,update,delete query..

    view is mirror of created table

    A view can be defined as a virtual table or a stored query and the data accessible through a view is not stored in the database as a distinct object. Only the select statement is stored on the database instead.How ever views can be used and perform DML operations (Insert, Update & Delete) also.

    view is a virtual table. yes we can do CRUD operations on view with some conditions like the view is should have only one table. If view contain more than one table then these operation will not work..

    View is just like virtual table it is not have own data it is contain data from table,we can perform all activity in view such as filtering sorting as well as CRUD operation we aware when CRUD operation is happeing main table is also change..

    A View is a Virtual table based on the result set of a sql select statement. The fields in the Views are the result of fields from one or more tables in the database. View is exactly like a Table which contains Rows and columns.

    View is simply a combination of two or more tables/view to get new results without creating a new table. Example: You have person table (personId,personName,SchoolId), SchoolTable(SchoolId,SchoolName,SchoolRanking,CityId) and CityTable(CityId,CityName,CityPopulation) You want to display PersonsName, SchoolsName and CityName where school is located. To do so you create a view, which basically combines information from 3 different tables to get values as a new temporary table. Yes you can create, update, and delete a view.

    View will set of tables. You can update,Insert and Delete a views.

    Complex view is not allow CUID operation. Single table views is allow CUID operation.

    View is nothing but a virtual table, we can create a view by joining two or more tables with or without filter criteria based on our need. Yes we can perform CRUD operations in a simple view that is on single tabled view but if it is a complex view then we can not perform CRUD operations on it.

    View is virtual table.We Can But it should effect original table.

    A view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.

    A view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.

    In SQL Server, View is also like other database object but it doesn't have any physical existence, following are the two types of views based on creation of a view.Simple View :-- when we create a view on single table, we can do CRUD operations on this view and those reflects on a associated table.Complex View -- when we create a view on more than one table, can't do all CRUD operations, we can apply only select clause on this type of views.Any changes like drop table, rename table , any alterations in table will effect on View

    View is a virtual table. view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. we create view with the help of one and more tables data, which is basically use for security, so any user can't access directly any database table. Yes we can insert,Update and delete, if a view is not complex(means view should not create by multiple tables). View performance is slow as query run through view, first fire on view then respective tables.

    Yes,In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database.You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOIN statements to a view and present the data as if the data were coming from one single table.

    If view deals with multiple tables then it will not allow you to perform CRUD operations

    Yes ,we can insert update and delete from view .For Example - First we create a employee table like :CREATE TABLE Employee(Emp_ID INT,Emp_NAME VARCHAR(50),Emp_Age Numeric(18,0) )Now we create a view for insert data but we can not pass directly insert command inside view because view does not allow Insert keyword .so we can use this proceure : CREATE VIEW [dbo].[V_Employee] AS SELECT Emp_ID, Emp_NAME, Emp_Age FROM EmployeeNow finally we can pass the value :INSERT INTO V_Employee SELECT 1,'NAVYA',19Yes ,we can insert update and delete from view .For Example - First we create a employee table like :CREATE TABLE Employee(Emp_ID INT,Emp_NAME VARCHAR(50),Emp_Age Numeric(18,0) )Now we create a view for insert data but we can not pass directly insert command inside view because view does not allow Insert keyword .so we can use this proceure : CREATE VIEW [dbo].[V_Employee] AS SELECT Emp_ID, Emp_NAME, Emp_Age FROM EmployeeNow finally we can pass the value :INSERT INTO V_Employee SELECT 1,'NAVYA',19

    View like virtual table Yes

    A view can contain all rows of a table or select rows from a table. A view can be created from one or many tables which depends Requirmentwe cant perform curd operations on view because it is not main table it is imaginary table if we try to do curd operations it will through exception like View or function 'PersonDetails(view Name)' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables. Severity 16

    A view can be defined as a virtual table or a stored query and the data accessible through a view is not stored in the database as a distinct object. Only the select statement is stored on the database instead. How ever views can be used and perform DML operations (Insert, Update & Delete) also.A view can be defined as a virtual table or a stored query and the data accessible through a view is not stored in the database as a distinct object. Only the select statement is stored on the database instead.How ever views can be used and perform DML operations (Insert, Update & Delete) also. Create a table...CREATE TABLE STUDENT(STD_ID INT,STD_FNAME VARCHAR(20),STD_LNAME VARCHAR(20) )CREATE TABLE STUDENT_PAYMENT(STD_ID INT,PAY_AMT MONEY,PAY_DATE DATETIME )INSERT INTO VW_STUDENT SELECT 1,'Chirag','prajapati' UNION SELECT 2,'Sachin', 'Patel'and add to insert,update,delete Button that click to operation

    Yes it is possible because view is a virtual table and can deleted,inserted and updated.

    View presents the table with the required piece of information for specific purpose. Views are meant only for showing data. We cannot insert or update data using view.

    The view is a virtual table. We can do those action, but it's effect on real table data too.

    view is table made using querying tow or multiple tables . we can't insert update and delete the view

    In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. Yes, possible to insert,update and delete to view. view is a virtual table

    View is like a virtual table which enable us to get information of multiple tables. yes we can insert,update and delete view in sql server.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    View is the virtual table, yes we can.

    Yes ,you can insert,update,delete using trigger.

    Hi Your can create a view from single or multiple table from your DB.If you are using aggregate in view then you can not perform CRUD operations

    View is nothing but a simple virtual table created from Original table.Query to create a view: create view[view_name] as select column_1,Column_2 from table_1 where column-3=5Yes, we can insert,update a view but we can not delete a view. we can drop a viewdrop view [view-name]select * from [view_name] (We can query the view)insert and update their is no much difference syntax is almost sameupdate syntax:create or replace view [view_name] as select column-1,column-2 from table-1 where column-3>100create or replace view [view_name] as select column-1,column-2 ,column-3 from table-1 where column-3>100where we are updating the view with column-3

    view is nothing but a table. Like creating another table to the main table. Why to create ? For security purpose. For example : A bank application table as Name , BankAccount, PinNumber. Here PinNumber is privacy. So, the developers can know the pin number while wornkig on table. So, we can create a view to the main table with Necessary columns as, Name, BankAccountNo. Only by securing PinNumber.All the modications we can made on view are reflected on the main table too.

    View is nothing more than save sql queries.

    A view is either a subset of a table with restriction on rows or columns or can be a set formed by joins, groupby and having clause of multiple tables.Views are generally created when we are repeatedly require same data as returned by view.

    Views are nothing its a kind of temporary table where we can customize inorder to avoid some secret datas not shown to others

    View is a virtual table. Yes we can perform insert/delete and update operation in views. For views holding data from multiple tables we have to be bit cautious while trying to update either by inserting/deleting/updating data in actual tables. For this we can use instead of trigger.

    Answer of this question is both Yes and No. If a view is doesn't complex , it means view query doesn't contain joins,sub query,group by. In other conditions a view can be inserted, updated and deleted

    it is a virtual table which based on result of sql server, it contain row and column like a database table. we can do all operation like we do on a table