
What does occur first in ASP.Net, Authentication or Authorization?

Deepak Verma

Deepak Verma


    Authentication process occur first which is used to find that a user is authenticate or not after that if user is Authenticate then authorization rights for a specific user is checked ........

    Authentication occurs first and then if needed authorization.Authentication - Process to check if user is valid or not. Authorization - Process to grant permission according to role or any other criteria


    Authentication is first process to identify the user Authorization is next process after identify Particular user which resources he has to be access..

    As others had said Authentication means How valid the user is and Authorization means Does the user have some rights. So clearly first you have to find out who the user is (Authenticate) and then only you can check does he have rights to do the required work (Authorize)

    Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user by obtaining some sort of credentials and using those credentials to verify the user's identity. If the credentials are valid, the authorization process starts. Authentication process always proceeds to Authorization process.

    Authentication Then Authorization!!!

    After successful Authentication,authorization will be done.

    authentication then authorization

    Authentication occur first than after Authorization

    First Authentication Then Authorization

    authentication occurs first then authorization occursAuthentication: Authentication is process to identify the user i.e(who are u). Authorization: Authorization is process of granting permission/role on resources based on identity.

    first authentication occurs then authorization.simple if you want to do anything first you must authenticate then based on authorizations you can do the things

    may be you can find answer here check it : ASP.NEt Interview Question and Answer

    first Authentication occur then Authorization occur

    Authentication: - prove genuinenessAuthorization: - process of granting approval or permission on resources.