What are the three user authentication methods that SharePoint 2013 supports?
Anil Avula
Windows authentication is used by both claims based authentication it includes NTLM, Kerberoes, Digest, basicand also it supports annoymous authenticationForms based authentication can be used against credentials that are stored in an authentication provider : AD DS , Database - SQL Server, LDAPSAML based authentication it includes an identity provider security token service
SharePoint 2013 Supports three types of authentication.1 Forms Based Authentication 2 Claims Based Authentication 3 Windows Authentication.
Windows authentication,Forms-based authentication and SAML token-based authentication
SharePoint 2013 supports the following authentication Methods:Windows authentication Forms-based authentication SAML token-based authentication
1.Windows claims 2.Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)-based claims 3.Forms-based authentication claims