
What are the main advantages of web services in android?

Fazli Mola Jan

Fazli Mola Jan



    main use of web service is we can directly coomunicate with diff. platform....

    There are many 1. Only datatransfer - Considering you are using restFul Services it will transfer only data too and from server. This will help the process boost speed. 2. Manageable - Service are more manageable in term of changes in the data format or data itself. 3. Scalable - You can scale the services to any level. 4. Independant - Web services are platform independent so you can have a .net server to serve a android app.

    web service is a standard used for exchanging information between applications or systems with various platforms can use web services to exchange information over Internet using http/https protocol.Main Advantages are foloowing: 1)More light weight client Application 2)facility of re usage Function 3)More secure & fast database interaction. 4)less database hitRe-usage of existing functionalities:While designing the web service, we could also get significant benefits by reusing the existing functionalities by exposing them as web methods.

    Web Service plays a major role in both Server Admin and Development verticals. Everything is becoming online now. All cloud servers are available online and can be accessed via web service. All applications / softwares are developed as Web Applications. For this web service is the most important thing.

    web services and Rest APi both are used to get data from database and show on activity on client dimand.
    in single word it is a comunication bridge which is contect to the database and android activity .

    A web service is a standard for exchanging information between different types of applications irrespective of language and platform. For example, an android application can interact with java or .net application using web services.

    I think that web services solves the problem of communication with smart phone