
What are the different ways of state management in ASP.NET? What are the points a coder should keep in mind while implementing state management techniques?

C# Curator

C# Curator


    State management is how you maintain values between method calls . there is server side and client side methods of doing this . client side method is when you store these values on the client computer itself by embedding the information in a  web page , URL or cookie . Server side state management is when you track the user with a cookie or URL but maintain the values on the server. if the state management information is stored on the client , that information has to be submitted with each and every request to the server by the client . Depending on the exact problem you are trying to solve , this effectively what determines the state management technique to use.

    for example tracking the goods in shopping basket of a website customer can be done using the server side session state whereas maintaining non sensitive information like web page customization can be kept in a cookie saved on the client.

    By the way do you have a specific problem that you are trying to solve ?


    They are Two Ways OF StateMangement;
    1:ServerSide State Mangement;
    2:Client Side StateMangement

    ServerSide StateMangement:

    ClientSide  StateMangement:

    Actual StateSideMangement Come Into Picture To Maintain State of Object;

    As we use HttpRequest And HttpResponse; We Cannot mantain state of object To Matain state or retain value of obect we state Side Management;
