
What are the benefits of ADO.NET?

Rohan  Rathore

Rohan Rathore


    the main benefit of ADO .NET is it is a DATA ACCESS TECHNOLOGY which can be used to communicate with different datasources.which in tern it works as a mediator between the database servers and applications

    BENEFITS OF ADO.NET1>Scalability:- ADO.NET works on DataSet that can represent a whole database or even a data table as a disconnected object and thereby eliminates the problem of the constraints of number of databases being connected. In this way scalability is achieved. 2>Data Source Independence:- In ADO.NET DataSet is completely independent of data source and no way DataSet is controlled by the data source as it happens in case of RecordSet. 3>Interoperability:- As ADO.NET transmits the data using the format of XML which is not dependent on ADO.NET or windows platform. 4>Strongly Typed Fields:- It supports strongly typed fields by using CTS. 5>Performance:- The performance in ADO.NET is higher in comparison to ADO that uses COM marshalling. 6>Firewall: As in ADO.NET transmission is via XML format, therefore it can pass through firewalls.