
What are static classes and what is the purpose of them?

Mahesh Chand

Mahesh Chand


    there are two main features of a static class, one is no object of static class can be created and another is, a static class must contain only static members, then it is important that what is the main benefit to create a static class, the main benefit of making static class, we do not need to make any instance of this class ,all members can be accessible with its own name.

               static modifier can be applied to all methods andproperties

                by placing static in the signature of a method you are asking

                the compiler to consider the method as belonging to the    class not to the instance of class. when an application containg a

     class is loaded all static methods are loaded as a part of it that is

     the reason main() maethod contains static signature in order to be executed . it dose not belong to a object because methods belonging

    to object are called by passing message to object.static methods are

    executed indepently

    A static class means it can contain only static members. The point of this is so no instance of the object is created.